Saturday, December 26, 2015

Winter by Marissa Meyer

The only way I can review this mammoth book is to pick it apart and put it back together again. Here we go. 

In six days, I flew through the last installment of the Lunar Chronicles series. I started reading these books in 9th grade, and I'm now on 11th. Time has flown--I still love these books, but my issues with them are the same as before. 
Marissa Meyer's writing is just SO BLAND. I mean no offense to her, though obviously it sounds like I do, but it's true. Her writing bears little embellishment, her chapters are all structured similarly, she reiterates things a thousand times until they seem true, as if saying them more will make me believe them. She is a strong proponent of telling instead of showing, which isn't necessarily bad, it's just not what I prefer. 

Because of this, Meyer writes in incredible detail to compensate. 
About halfway through the book, I realized the same things kept happening over and over again. A portion of the crew would devise a plan, something would go wrong, and someone would get taken. Along the same time frame, a missing member would be rescued, brought back to the main focus of the Rampion's crew, and they'd devise another strategy to get said person back. It started to feel very repetitive after couples kept getting split up over and over again. 

The book could have been renamed how-many-combinations-of-the-main-cast-can-we-have-together-at-once, or how-many-of-the-four-couples-are-actually-together-at-this-point-in-the-plot.

The entire story was this huge build up to a showdown between Levana and Cinder. But I felt like parts of the buildup were much more exciting than the climax--which was still very exciting on its own accord. I just think Meyer could have done more between that last exchange. 

But it must have been good throughout because it kept me glued till the end (which exhibited a very nice wrap up, showing the plans of all the different characters). I enjoyed the world building, I liked the terror (which was super disturbing) of being controlled by the Lunars and used as a weapon against people you love and even yourself. 
All in all, it was an incredible finale. My main problems were problems I had with the entire series. At times, the plot seemed a little implausible, and I had a few yeah, right moments. 

But not many authors manage to create such an action packed last book to what I would call a gripping series. 

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