Sunday, February 22, 2015

My Excuses for Pathetic Reading Habits

Life has been crazy, I haven't been reading, and here's why!

New semester means new classes, also: everything gets harder. My writing for publication class is a little more than I thought it'd be. I enjoy it a lot, but there's added homework that I'm not used to. Also, my classes are all kicking into high gear because it's third quarter, naturally my busiest time of year. 

I'm also in the school musical this year: Once Upon A Mattress. I have a small part in the chorus, but I've still had rehearsals 1-6 times a week since the beginning of January. The show is the weekend of March 19-21, so stress regarding it will be over soon. However, I'll be more busy in these coming weeks than any time ever. 

I'm also on my school's robotics team. We had a competition this past weekend (made it to the semi-finals!) and have another one the week of the musical. Meetings for the team have been about 10-15 hours a week for me, which is a lot on top of musical rehearsals. 

If that's not enough, I also need to prepare for State Solo & Ensemble. 

All of this has made me push off reading a little, not for lack of interest, but out of necessity. A few weeks ago, I was also having a reading slump but another book got me going last week (thanks Lola and the Boy Next Door!). 

Right now, I'm just trying to fit everything in (homework, robotics, rehearsals). March will be even busier than January and February!

This is just for the sake of documentation. Thanks for bearing with me. 

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