Monday, December 21, 2015

A Brief Update

I really love the idea of a blog. For different people, it can be different things. An outlet to talk about life, express opinions, a space devoted to a particular subject, a place to share creative works.

I want this blog to be all of that for me, and more.

While I want to the focus of Fetching Books to be on books and writing, I know that in order to populate this blog with posts, I need to write about things that inspire me.

School rarely inspires me, yet as a student, it's about all I get to think about. This post is a New Year's Resolution for me. Yes, those dreaded words are making their way into my post. Really, I just want to become better this year. Better at doing the things I like, better at writing, better at reading. How can one become better at reading? I don't know. But I hope to find out this year. I hope to be better at blogging. Better to my friends, better at making music, better at pursuing things that inspire me. Better at being myself.

I'm sure I'll get distracted, but I'm also sure I won't get worse. If anything, I'll be trying.

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