Saturday, July 25, 2015

NaNoWriMo Struggles

I shouldn't be complaining that my summer has been fun and busy, but I for real need to buckle down and write about 5000 words now.

Last week I was at a service camp through my church. It was an incredible experience, and I got to serve the elderly and disabled in my community by singing in different nursing/retirement homes. But I'm glad to be in my own bed again.

I went a solid two weeks without working on my story, which I'm ashamed to admit. My July goal of writing every day lasted about ten days, and I'm back to scrambling to get words in (like always).

How did I ever like participating in NaNoWriMo? But I guess at the end of it all, this isn't about NaNoWriMo, but rather about me having discipline and getting down to writing. If I want to have my first draft done by September 30, I will need to pick up the pace. In the past few weeks, I'm completely lost focus and sight of my writing goals. By blogging and documenting, I hope to change that.

Goal: I'll check in with a successful writing update before the end of the month. Either I'll have won NaNoWriMo or not.

Carrot: I can feel good about myself and go to band camp stress free!

Stick: There will be an even bigger writing goal for August.

Truth: There will probably be an even bigger writing goal for August anyway because this story won't write itself.

Apologies for rambling. It's tired, I'm late.

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